
17 Food for Diabetics and Hypertension Obligatory Consumption

High blood and diabetes is a disease that can strike Young Adults even parent tends to be associated with a medical condition that arises due to habits and unhealthy eating patterns.

The relationship of diabetes and high blood

This is the reason scientifically why unhealthy eating patterns in addition could increase the sugar levels rise in the blood pressure trigger turns.

Sugar levels go up then the blood pressure rises – When the level of glucose in the blood increases then the blood pressure will also rise, as excess sugars can cause constriction of the blood vessels which are associated with blood pressure. The more narrow the blood pembuliuh blood flow then becomes not ancar, conditions this is what menumbulkan blood pressure is likely to be, if it persisted, it will cause high blood disease.
A buildup of sugar disrupts the blood vessels – the rise in blood sugar levels that have lasted long prone to cause a buildup of excess sugar that could be weakening due to clogged blood vessel walls so that blockages cause join the blood pressure soaring.
Unstable insulin intensity – the intensity of insulin is not stable in the body tends to affect blood pressure due to blood sugar contain substances that have already been too many can be difficult to keep blood flow can be smoothly spread normally throughout the body, as a result of blood pressure is easy to ride, it is the body's natural response that the narrowing of the arteries due to buildup of excess sugar in the blood.
Have the same triggers – diabetes and high blood has the same cause for example due to obesity, fond of eating Junkfood fasfood, makana or fast-food restaurant in the long term or due to consume foods high in fat, sugar and salt.
Food Recommendations

Tips on choosing foods for diabetics and high blood who recommended a nutritionist.

1. Food rich in fiber

Food for diabetics and high blood that must be consumed foods are rich in fiber which can protect the digestive tract so that the sugar levels and blood pressure remained in a stable condition, such as whole wheat or oats (whole grains)

2. Foods rich in potassium

Foods rich in astringent potassium or potassium is a recommended food many nutritionists because it can lower blood sugar levels and keep your blood pressure stays on his best condition, such as banana, guava, Kiwi, Melon, Orange and others.

3. low fat Foods

low-fat foods such as yogurt or low-calorie/fat milk is food for people with diabetes and high blood good is consumed every day in order for the body to avoid a spike in blood sugar levels that trigger blood pressure is getting height.

4. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids

The food that enters as the makana super food is food which is rich in omega 3 fats because have privileges in terms of lowering the levels of sugar, saturated fat levels of cholesterol in the blood of the family so that the body avoid pressure high darh triggers the advent of high blood diseases, such as chicken egg/duck, sardines, etc.

5. Vegetable

All types of vegetables but do not contain gas and alcohol is the best recommendation of food for diabetics and high blood because vegetables contain many essential nutrients effectively lowering sugar levels in respect of darh and keep the pressure blood is always under normal circumstances, such as broccoli, lettuce, celery, kale, celery, eggplant, beans, Spinach and others.

6. Fruits

buahn fruit that does not contain gas and alcohol also entered as a recommendation of the best nutritionists as food for diabetics and hypertension, for example belimbung, Melon, oranges, bananas, avocados, apples, Kiwis and others

7. Juice combinations

Utilizing the combined between fruit and vegetables to be healthy juice daily can reduce the levels of sugar in the blood and the blood is high at a young age and adults, Mislnya spinach, tomatoes and carrots or fruits with steamed broccoli. The juice of this combination is suitable for our food for diabetics and high blood because it contains vitamins, minerals and fiber-rich.

8. Types of nuts nuts

Choose the type of food legumes beans is the best choice because nuts nuts are low in calories, rich in fiber and minerals so that suitable foods for diabetics and high blood, such as soy beans, peas, almonds, Green beans, Peas peppers daan.

9. Type of seed grain

One of food for diabetics and high blood nutisi rich high required health body is the food of grain seeds, such as sunflower seeds, seed fruit watermelon, Falx seed which is rich in omega 3 and fiber or chia seed mineral-rich substances besim calcium and omega 3.

10. Garlic

Garlic is one of the seasoning containing high anti-inflammatory substances and act as powerful antioxidants that can neutralize the sugar levels in the blood so that the tertap is stable and easy blood pressure lowered. Garlic is compulsory applied in every cuisine menu daily but avoid raw garlic because the danger is raw garlic can upset the stomach.

11. Complex carbohydrates

Foods containing complex carbohydrates foods for diabetics meruokan da blood tinghi which disarnkaan nutritionists because it can suppress hunger so as to protect the stomach from hunger in quite a long time without disturbing the stomach acid. A healthy digestive condition could stabilize blood pressure and blood sugar kadaar dalaam.

12. Types of meat

Meat without the skin or fat dapaat chosen as the healthy eating for diabetics and high because this blood is safe and does not cause a spike in sugar levels. The recommended type of meat is lean beef, chicken without skin, Meat Birds, ducks, geese, deer, rabbit and others.

13. Types of fish

Fish is a source of high protein, contain omega 3 and does not contain bad cholesterol so safely consumed as food for diabetics and high blood who want keep protein intake memdai didaalm body so that soft tissue health staying healthy, including the muscles, nerves and blood vessels associated with blood pressure.

14. Avoid foods contain substances purin

Avoid foods that contain a high result of purin sea if consumed in excess so dangerous for the health of the body, including the trigger the emergence of cardiovascular disorders.

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